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Showing posts from April, 2018

Decal Designs

What were you trying to accomplish? I wanted to make simple designs, and try to make something that looks like a triforce without copyrighting!  What technical skills did you use to create this project? I used simple shapes in illustrator because I was afraid if I had too much going on it wouldn't cut right. How do you feel you did on this project? I did not do well on the deadline, I got confused about the dates, and if I had been more aware, I would have done a much better job :(

Shapes in After Effects

What were you trying to accomplish?  I just wanted to make as many things happen as I could. What technical skills did you use to create this project? I used a lot of twist in after effects and a lot of shapes to make all the weirdness happen. How do you feel you did on this project? It is not my favorite, I don't think I really like after effects. I think I could have done better, but my computer at home won't install AE for some reason.

Card Game

What were you trying to accomplish? I really wanted to make "kawaii" illustrations, and all I could think of are cute faces that make it more cartooney! What technical skills did you use to create this project? I used a lot of just regular shapes and a lot if pen tool and I had to morph things around quite a bit just to get it right! How do you feel you did on this project? Honestly I love my design! It's simple yet extremely cute which this assignment really gave me the freedom to take advantage of!

Musical Poster's

What were you trying to accomplish? I wanted to make some fun musical posters for my school without going overboard on the idea's I was having. I wanted to make simple and easy to read posters. What technical skills did you use to create this project? I really had to know how to work with the text boxes in this one, I kept struggling to get them right! How do you feel you did on this project? I feel that I did just okay. I have a hard time with posters, and I usually never know where I want anything!

City of Steilacoom T shirt Design

What were you trying to accomplish? I was really trying not to make a building and make a ferry boat with some fireworks behind it! What technical skills did you use to create the project? I used mostly the pen tool in this assignment and some distort tools to try and make everything clean and even How do you feel you did on the project? I feel okay about it, like I feel like I could have done better but I don't know if people will know what it is!

Watercolor Painting

What were you trying to accomplish? I wanted to make a whimsical watercolor painting that looked like it really was painted with a real brush. What technical skills did you use to create the project? I used my surface pen on illustrator and used the watercolor brush, I really wanted to paint back and for like zigzag with it, but it doesn't turn out right, so I had to work around that. How do you feel you did on the project? It's very minimal. But I like looking at it, I love watercolor so I think I did a decent job capturing what watercolor should look like.

Photoshop Brushes and After Effects

What were you trying to accomplish? I was trying to successfully use Photoshop and make it look like the eggs were being painted. What technical skills did you use to create the project? I had to have some premier pro skills and figure out stroke on after effects. How do you feel you did on the project?  Not too great, I had a lot of trouble exporting and still don't think I did it right!

Animated GIF

What were you trying to accomplish? I was trying to make a funny Zelda GIF because I love Zelda. What technical skills did you use to create the project? I used the Photoshop timeline, which I did not know existed, and I used my phone to take photos! How do you feel you did on the project?  To be completely honest, I am extremely proud of this GIF and it makes me laugh every time I watch it. It is exactly what I had envisioned. 

My Bio!

Hello Friends! My name is Seidi,  that is pronounced "Sadie." I was named after the Beatles song "Sexy Sadie" but my mother must not have loved that spelling, so now I am forever cursed to be called "Sidee" you know, like "Heidi?" But my father loved the Beatles so I'm cool with it. A couple strange things about me are, I have an unhealthy obsession with Jack Black and the band Tenacious D, and I've seen them in concert and nothing could top that at this point. Also The Legend of Zelda has a special place in my heart, and I collect everything and all things Zelda that I can get my hands on (or spend all my rupees on lol.) In my spare time I also like to create gaming YouTube video's. My youtube is SeidiLady if you ever want to see me make a fool of myself. But I LOVE video editing, so I won't be stopping anytime soon! I am a digital design student at Pierce College, and have loved every minute of it! I hope to eventually gr...